A set of replacement caputs representing marke moderate and mild caput formation. For use with PROMPT Flex Cervical Dilatation Effacement Module . Top synonyms for caput (other words for caput ) are hea inhabiting and residing. Caput definition: the main or most prominent part of an organ or structure Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples. The Caput fontfamily was designed in 2008.
In 20we added a (Slab) serif fontfamily, based on the formal appearance and architecture of the Caput (Sans). Tradition Kopf ( caput ) des etr. Heros Aulus Vibenna (olus), anläßlich der Grundsteinlegung des röm.
ABRIEF survey of the indebtedness of the modern languages of Europe, and in particular our own, to the Latin word. Caput Mortuum ist ein Pigment aus der Gruppe des Eisenoxydrots, dessen Name ins Deutsche übersetzt Totenkopf bedeutet. Weshalb die mittelalterlichen . Caput succedaneum is a diffuse edematous swelling of the scalp caused by pressure during delivery that in fluid accumulation external to the periosteum . Caput mortuum dunkelviolett ist ein Mischoxidpigment aus Eisen-II-oxid und Eisen-III-oxi welches industriell aufbereitet wurde.
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